Hi Everyone,
I hope your weekend went well! If you're reading the blog for the first time and aren't sure what Craft Therapy is referring to this is just a quick summary. The goal for craft therapy is for everyone to collectively be creative, or trying to use craft as a way to de-stress (since life can get a little crazy sometime), or simply if you have decided that in 2015 you want to learn new things every week. My goal is for this to be kind of like a virtual craft along! Doing the DIY projects together! Every Monday I'll introduce a new craft and we'll focus on it for the week. I'll continue to show my progress as I go through the DIY and show you my finished version on Friday. I would love to see how your progress goes so do share your pictures. If you want to do a specific project then I am totally open to it. We have a group Pinterest board that is dedicated to all the DIY's we have done or inspire us, or would like to do. You are more then welcome to join, just let me know in the comments below.
For a more detailed idea of what Craft Therapy is please click
here. Do you want to see what we made
last week? Find our first Craft Therapy DIY
Moving on to this week's diy, as the title suggests we are going to be doing a felt wall art! If your walls are looking a little flat, this diy will definitely perk them up. Again we're starting of with super easy projects and ones that won't take more than an hours total. As long as you take out 10-15 mins each day you should be able to finish it off in a weeks time.
As mentioned in last week's post we'll be using our
Rayon/Viscose Felt Sample bag, it comes in 44 colours. However, the sample bag has 88 pieces (2 pieces of each colour) so it's perfect swatch since you'll have an abundance of colour.
Valentine's Day is less than a month away, so I felt a little love couldn't hurt. I'll be cutting little hearts in most of the colours and gluing it onto a white card stock paper/poster paper.
I got inspired by the image below
http://www.pinterest.com/pin/283937951481371968/ |
Rayon/Viscose Felt Sample Bag
White Poster Paper/ Card Stock paper
Glue Gun
Mini Heart template (optional)
1. Select the colours you would like to use. I'm using about 16 different colours from the pack.
2. Either cut out a template of a mini heart and trace it onto the felt. Or if you're looking for a more handmade version free style your hearts!
3. Cut between 2-4 mini hearts for each colour. There really isn't a hard or fast rule, if you want more of a certain colour than cut more of those compared to the others. You can also do an ombre version. Or a certain colour scheme.
4. line the mini hearts in columns and rows down the sheet of paper by using a glue gun. You will really just need to dab a bit of glue for it to stick on the paper.
5. take your poster paper/card stock paper and put in a frame to either add it to your already existing wall art or to start one.
I ended up doing a bonus wall art, using some of the scraps from the above diy. Taking inspiration from the geometric wall art at the beginning of the post I created the second felt geometric heart.
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