Halloween is only a few days away! Hooray :D This year it seemed like while browsing the social media world we've been bombarded with all these great ideas! But what's even more exciting for us, a lot of these costume ideas and people
are using...you guessed it FELT!!
Which makes us UBER excited :D So this Halloween, The Felt Store decided to have some costume fun with felt and our dog Digit! We love people (we really do) but we thought we would help out our four legged friends and get them into the Halloween spirit as well! The end result being a super cute sheep costume for our favourite four legged friend. We even documented the process so you can recreate, change and play around with your own felt costume ideas!

Step 1) Cut a piece of felt into a rough rectangle that will be large
enough to wrap around the torso of your pet. We decided to go with a classic
white sheep, but feel free to mix it up, brown, black, or multicoloured if
you’re feeling wild!
Next find a blanket, or cushion to try and recreate the torso size of your pet.
In our case we simply took a piece of rope and wrapped it around two rolled up
Step 2) Wrap the piece of felt around your test dummy the way you will
want it to look on your pet.
Step 3) Take a small handful of wool and place it on top of your test
dummy. Use a needle and thread (we used a white thread to blend in with our
costume) and stitch the wool onto the felt. Two to three stitches is
sufficient, we sewed ours in a cross like pattern. Reference image for
Repeat this process until you have covered your whole test dummy. Make sure to
leave room for the legs of your pet.
Step 4) Cut out two triangular pieces of felt for ears. Punch holes into
each ear with a pair of scissors or a pointy knife and attach to an elastic
band that will easily slide onto your pets head. Another option is to fashion a
type of Velcro hat with ears attached to the top.
Step 5) Unwrap your felt from your test dummy and cut off any access felt,
leaving two sleeves on either side.
Step 6) Find yourself a cute test subject and wrap the felt sleeves
around your pets torso. We used safety pins to attach the sleeves, but
recommend Velcro if you plan to use this costume over a longer period of time.
Cut or tuck away any undesired edges and voila, or shall we say baaaaah, you
have yourself a sheep!!
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